Friday, November 19, 2010

An Idea of a Use of the Headdress

In Yupik Cultures dances, the drummers sing and tell stories with the movements of their arms, bodies and sometimes
facial expressions, which shows in the video, "Yupik Seal Dance" the sing is by John Pingayak of Chevak, Ak. Each dance song
has their own meaning to it, like this one it express the act of hunting for and retrieving a seal they have shot. Also, as they perform
it shows great appreciation of what the land provides such as food, homes, and their people.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Can you tell me the story of John Pingayak's Yup'ik Seal Dance? My niece went to the University of Fairbanks and learned this dance (same music but different words). Their instructor recorded the dance and music and I teach this dance to my 1st graders during Native American Heritage Month. Thank You!
